Learning aspects of research is an important part of training. Residents starting in our program have varying levels of experience with research. Regardless of prior experience, our program provides a directed approach in teaching residents about the basics of research, writing, and presentations so that upon graduation, each one has had the opportunity to explore the possibility of research as part of their future career. Facilitated by lead faculty, residents connect with various research projects or are mentored in developing their own research idea. Routine workshops are designed to allow residents to collaborate with other residents and faculty to further develop a project into a poster, presentation, or article. Upon graduation, most residents have presented their work at a national meeting and/or published their work in a journal.
Child Neurology Society Meeting
Mikael Guzman
- GATORopathy with a twist: A novel partial gene deletion in NPRL3 with variable expressivity
- A novel pathogenic synonymous TRAPPC2L variant causing aberrant splicing and phenotypic expansion
Alex Sandweiss
- Infectious profiling reveals potential triggers of pediatric NMDAR encephalitis: a large case-control study
Karla Salazar
- Anti-NMDA receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis manifesting with auditory agnosia, a case report
Jesse Levine
- A de novo pathogenic CSF1R variant implicates microglial dysfunction in FIRES pathogenesis
Rima El Atrache
- Mucormycosis due to Rhizomucor pusillus triggering a stroke alert; a case report
Chrissie Massrey
- Panayiotopoulos When Autonomics and Neurology Collide: Lessons from a Patient with Panayiotopoulos Syndrome
Alyssa Runco
- Acute immune-mediated sensory polyneuropathy with anti-ganglioside antibody pan-positivity in a pediatric patient
- Health disparities encountered by two patients with developmental disabilities
Jeff Kuerbitz
- Personalized treatment of behavioral symptoms with memantine in a child with a suspected gain of function variant in GRIN2A
Doug Wells
- Bridging the Quality Care Gap in ASD Diagnosis and Management: The Role of Education, Training, and EMR Integration
Manasa Sudheendra
- Neuroinflammatory Disease of the Neuroaxis and ROHHAD: Casting A Wide NET
American Academy of Neurology Meeting
Alex Sandweiss
- Animal model of HSV-induced-NMDAR Autoimmune Encephalitis affects predominantly female mice (S22. 008)
- Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Pediatric NMDAR Encephalitis with Grossly Normal MRI Reveals Widespread Changes of Subcortical
- Microstructure Compared to Healthy Controls
Alyssa Domingue
- Acute psychosis as initial presentation for Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (P11-9.006)
- Phenotypic Variability in Patients with Pathogenic Variants in ATP1A2 and ATP1A3 (S8. 003)
Mika Guzman
- Dual Genetic Diagnoses: Phelan-McDermid Syndrome and Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy
- Expediting Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnoses Through Education, Training, and EMR-integration of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS-2) Diagnostic Tool
- An Unexpected Case of Monocular Vision Loss in a Pediatric Patient
Alex Ankar
- Pediatric FLAMES and Status Epilepticus: A Heated Combination
Jesse Levine
- Trench Foot: Waging a War Against Pediatric Small Fiber Neuropathy
Chrissie Massrey
- Adding Tools to Our Toolkit: How to Care for Children with Autism and Challenging Behaviors
Manasa Sudheendra
- Painful Hemidystonia-A Rare Presentation of Uremic Encephalopathy
Abhijit Das
- Hemispheric Havoc: Migraine’s Asymmetry in Cerebral Blood Flow
Karla Salazar
- Treatment of Anti-GAD65 Autoimmune Encephalitis Presenting as NORSE with Intrathecal Dexamethasone
European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis
Jon Yarimi
- Bimodal Presentation of First Relapse in Paediatric MOGAD: A Single Center Retrospective Study
Jesse Levine
- Serum and CSF Biomarker Profiles of Paediatric Neuroinflammatory Disease
- Serum Neurofilament Light Chain as a Clinical Predictor of Outcome in Paediatric MOGAD