Huffington Department of Education, Innovation and Technology

Applied Digital Teaching Tools Bootcamp


> View Flyer: Advanced Digital Tech Tools

What you’ll learn:

In this professional Learning Studio, you’ll learn best practices for a variety of applied digital teaching tools (Zoom, PollEverywhere, Blackboard)


  • Basic knowledge of computer and the internet
  • Access to your BCM account for Zoom and Blackboard (and for account creation at PollEverywhere)

Length of Professional Learning Studio: 6 Weeks

Teaching Modality: Hybrid


Have you heard of or even used some of these teaching tools, but would like to utilize their full potential?

This 6-week learning studio will first introduce you to the variety of features and knowledge required to best use these tools, including what makes these tools so effective. In the second half of this PLS, you will apply these new skills into building a usable lecture, framework/shell, or artifact that you can use in your course or class.

In this course you’ll learn to:

Knowledge and Skills (The Why and The How)

  • Explain the advantages of synchronous classes, and how zoom features align with those advantages. 
  • List the types of documents that can be embedded in Blackboard and be able to insert them.
  • List the types of questions usable in Poll Everywhere and its software integrations 
  • Explain the meaning and purpose of audience response systems such as Poll Everywhere 
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages (best practices) of Poll Everywhere 

Build and Apply

  • Use breakout rooms, whiteboard, and screen share to successfully enhance Zoom meetings and presentations
  • Access and modify content folders, assignments, exams, and the gradebook
  • Integrate Poll Everywhere into existing lectures and presentations
  • Use breakout rooms, whiteboard, and screen share to successfully enhance Zoom meetings and presentations

Who this course is for:

Anyone wanting to improve their proficiency with Zoom, Blackboard, and PollEverywhere.

Registration Form

Schedule and Topics by Weeks

Week Topic Subtopic Teaching Modality
Week 1


  • Course Overview, schedule & expectations
  • Defining the project/showcase
  • Brief introduction to tools
In-person on campus
Week 2 Knowledge and Skills
  • Zoom deep dive (when to use tools?)
  • BCM specific troubleshooting guidelines
  • PollEverywhere deep dive (best practices
Synchronous Online
Week 3 Build and Apply
  • Work time on lecture/presentation
  • 1:1 Coaching sessions
Synchronous Online
Week 4 Knowledge and Skills
  • Enhancing the learner experience using Blackboard.
  • Discussion Boards
  • Revisit Showcase Expectations
Synchronous Online
Week 5 Build and Apply
  • Work time to develop presentation showcase/ practice presentation
  • 1:1 coaching session
Synchronous Online
Week 6 Showcase and Closure
  • 1:1 coaching and review of final presentation
  • Showcase of presentation/artifacts
Live In person