The Vulvovaginal Health Clinic at Baylor Medicine specializes in the care and treatment of women with disorders of the vulva and vagina, including vulvodynia, vaginismus, chronic vaginitis, lichenoid disorders, and complicated yeast infections, among others.
Our experts offer the training, knowledge, and experience required to accurately diagnose and effectively treat vulvar and vaginal disorders, providing women with much-needed relief from these often painful, uncomfortable, and challenging conditions.
Baylor specialists at the Vulvovaginal Health Clinic are members of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disorders, the preeminent medical society devoted to the treatment of vulvovaginal disorders and sexual pain. They are also physicians, researchers, and educators, uniquely positioning them to bring women the most recent advancements in the understanding and treatment of these conditions.
Call (832) 826-7500 to schedule an appointment.
Our Services
Patients come to us with symptoms that include genital itching, burning, irritation, rawness, throbbing, and pain during sex.
We offer treatment for all disorders of the vulva and vagina, including:
- Dermatologic diseases of the vulva
- Female sexual dysfunction, including sexual pain disorders like vulvodynia and vaginismus
- Recurrent vulvovaginal infections like yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis
Conditions Treated
Dermatologic Diseases of the Vulva
- Lichen Sclerosus
- Lichen Planus
Female Sexual Pain Disorders
Recurrent Vulvovaginal Infections