About the Program
As a resident, you serve a vital role assisting in the training of Baylor medical students. Medical students consistently rate residents as influential and valuable clinical teachers.
Being an effective clinical teacher takes training. All Baylor residents receive education on basic teaching topics, beginning with orientation and continuing through out residency training.
To develop your skills as a clinical teacher, Baylor offers a core “Resident as Teacher” curriculum to all residents. All residents will complete 4 modules during training with the goal to build foundations of teaching skills that can be applied in clinical rotations. An overview of these sessions include:
- Session 1: Begins at the Baylor GME Orientation with “Hello from the other side: Teaching to a medical student’s needs”
Session 2-4 are online modules completed during your residency:
- Session 2: Setting expectations, providing feedback, & assessing students
- Session 3: Asking questions & promoting critical thinking
- Session 4: Teaching & leading as a supervisory resident
View medical student clinical curriculum and additional resources for information that will support your training as an educator.
How Do Residents Teach?
- By giving feedback to learners
- By supervising clinically
- By teaching at the bedside
Resident Teaching Quotes
"I desire no other epitaph...than the statement that I taught medical students on the wards, as I regard this as by far the most useful and important work I have been called upon to do." - Sir William Osler, 1905
It is reported that approximately 1/3 of medical student knowledge comes from resident clinical teaching. Students spend more time learning from residents than attendings. Approximately 25 percent of resident activities are related to teaching. - Bing-You and Sproul, 1992