School of Medicine

Residents As Teachers




To develop your skills as a clinical teacher, Baylor offers a core “Resident as Teacher” curriculum to all residents.  All residents will complete 4 modules during training with the goal to build foundations of teaching skills that can be applied in clinical rotations. An overview of these sessions include: 

  • Session 1: Begins at the Baylor GME Orientation with “Hello from the other side: Teaching to a medical student’s needs”

Session 2-4 are online modules completed during your residency:

  • Session 2:   Setting expectations, providing feedback, & assessing students
  • Session 3: Asking questions & promoting critical thinking
  • Session 4: Teaching & leading as a supervisory resident

View medical student clinical curriculum and additional resources for information that will support your training as an educator.

How Do Residents Teach?

  • By giving feedback to learners
  • By supervising clinically
  • By teaching at the bedside

Resident Teaching Quotes


"I desire no other epitaph...than the statement that I taught medical students on the wards, as I regard this as by far the most useful and important work I have been called upon to do." - Sir William Osler, 1905

It is reported that approximately 1/3 of medical student knowledge comes from resident clinical teaching. Students spend more time learning from residents than attendings. Approximately 25 percent of resident activities are related to teaching. - Bing-You and Sproul, 1992