The Office of Student Affairs builds an environment that supports all medical students through sensitivity, advocacy, leadership, team-work and education. We do this by:
Assisting all students in successfully making the transition from student status to post-graduate training
Fostering students' academic and intellectual development and creates a climate that reinforces learning in all aspects of student life
Creating services, programs and opportunities to assist students with their personal and professional development
Developing a student culture which fosters the establishment and strengthening of relationships, as well as enhances effective communication throughout each Learning Community, class and the entire medical student body
Providing a wide range of educational opportunities, a greater appreciation and understanding of diversity and inclusion while preparing medical students to assume leadership roles in the community
Providing advice regarding career options and helps prepare and guide students in reaching their career goals, whether practitioner or physician scientist
Responding to the issues, ideas and needs of all constituencies, internal and external, by providing support and services to faculty, staff, alumni and the community
Student Support
- Provides counseling - Deans in the Office of Student Affairs provide extensive academic, career and personal counseling
- Assists in the Preparation of USMLE Step 1 and 2
- Produces the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) for fourth-year students applying for residency program positions
- Manages the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) process for Baylor students and alumni
- Serves as the Baylor College of Medicine liaison for AAMC Careers in Medicine
- Manages/supports the School of Medicine Learning Community program
- Manages the Baylor School of Medicine NICER (Non-credit Introduction to Clinical Experiences and Research) program - Baylor medical students only
- Conducts/provides support for medical student events
- Manages the purchase and distribution of study aids, which includes UWorld Qbank for NBME licensure examinations (USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 Clinical Knowledge)
- Provides support to the director of Medical Student Professionalism
- Produces Baylor's Gray Matter (in it's 33rd Edition), student pocketbook of clinical facts created in 1986 by Baylor students
- Works with student editors to publish the student yearbook, Aesculapian
The Office of Student Affairs also manages:
- Student Handbook web site
- Student Affairs Facebook page
- Student listservs/distribution lists
- Student Affairs Blackboard page (login required)
- Student Organizations
The Office of Student Affairs provides official recognition and administrative support for medical student societies and organizations. A full listing of current student organizations can be found on the web page of the Medical Student Senate.
If you are interested in starting a student organization, read about recognition procedures in the Student Organization Handbook.
Support of Wellness Activities
Read about Student Wellness at BCM.
Read about some of these activities in the CHEF Wellness Guide.
Baylor College of Medicine and the Office of Student Affairs make every effort to ensure that all information remains confidential in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.