School of Medicine

Residency Programs


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To find the residency program that is right for you, either browse the list below or go to our Education Programs page to search by keyword, department and other parameters for the programs that match your interests.

For information concerning curriculum, application procedures, and faculty, please visit the site to the specific program you wish to pursue.

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Curriculum details for the Vascular Surgery Integrated Residency Program.
The Dermatology Residency provides a diverse clinical experience with rotations and unique consultative opportunities within the Texas Medical Center.
The nationally recognized, five-year Otolaryngology Residency includes general surgery rotations, surgical residency training, and basic or clinical research.
Baylor College of Medicine's Plastic Surgery Integrated Residency in Houston is a leading program that trains future plastic surgeons in all subspecialties.
The Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Residency is a comprehensive program specializing in the evaluation and management of children with a variety of disorders.
Our Urology Residency Program offers training in general surgery, surgical subspecialties, general urology, and urological subspecialties, such as infertility.
This year, we are offering 12 advanced PGY-2 positions, including four positions in our new ESIR pathway, through the National Residency Matching Program.
Upon program completion, Baylor residents are among the most experienced in the country. Our program maintains a high success rate for board certification.
The Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical Residency offers training in county, pediatric, VA, and private practice settings, as well as research opportunities.
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