Search for Clinical Trials

Antipsychotic medications are often use to treat mood swings, aggression, and sometimes psychosis.
  • Psychiatry and Behavior
  • Pediatrics
  • Depression and Mood Disorders
Iron Deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world, in children and women capable of having children.
  • Psychiatry and Behavior
  • Pediatrics
  • Depression and Mood Disorders
Stimulant medications, like Ritalin, Concerta, Focalin, Vyvanse, or Adderall, are used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Psychiatry and Behavior
  • Pediatrics
  • Depression and Mood Disorders
The goal of this project is to develop a registry. In other words, we would like to create a list of patients who have different psychiatric…
  • Psychiatry and Behavior
  • Pediatrics
  • Depression and Mood Disorders
Antipsychotic medications are often use to treat mood swings, aggression, and sometimes psychosis.
  • Psychiatry and Behavior
  • Pediatrics
  • Depression and Mood Disorders
This project is examining if teens between the ages of 12 and 17 years old with depression have “leaky guts.”
  • Psychiatry and Behavior
  • Pediatrics
  • Depression and Mood Disorders
The purpose of this study is to test whether an investigational drug called BAN2401 is better than placebo in slowing the rate of decline on several…
  • Alzheimer's Disease
Using a corpus of clinical/EHR text from non-PI age-matched controls and PI patients, we aim to build a deep learning classifier to assess risk of…
  • Allergy/Immunology/Rheumatology
  • Infectious Diseases/Immune System
The Environmental Health Service at Baylor College of Medicine is conducting a research study called the Houston “Breathe Easy” Healthy Homes-Based…
  • Asthma/COPD
Recruitment for a study to learn about the experiences and perspectives of children with dystonia and their caregivers to learn what you think about…
  • Genetic and Rare Diseases - Treatment
  • Pediatrics
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