
Clinical Trials / Studies


Clinical trials - also known as clinical studies or research protocols - are conducted to test whether a new drug, new prevention strategy, or new screening test is safe and effective in people. Participation is always voluntary. Baylor College of Medicine investigators conduct hundreds of studies, ranging from small, short-term studies to large trials with thousands of patients across many institutions.


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A study to investigate the effect of obesity and childhood onset diabetes on bone health and risk of heart disease in youth.
  • Nutrition
  • Obesity and Metabolism
  • Pediatrics
The purpose of this study is to determine if bariatric surgery during adolescence has long term consequences on bone mineral density (BMD). 
  • Diabetes
  • Endocrinology
  • Obesity and Metabolism
The purpose of the BITS study is to better understand how babies and children learn to control their behavior and feeding as they get older.
  • Healthy Volunteers - Child
  • Nutrition
  • Obesity and Metabolism
The purpose of this study is to identify specific biomarkers of obesity and diabetes that cause increased risk for heart disease and diabetes in…
  • Diabetes
  • Healthy Volunteers - Child
  • Heart
  • Nutrition
  • Obesity and Metabolism
  • Pediatrics
Papás Saludables, Niños Saludables¿Qué es Papás Saludables, Niños Saludables?Es un programa para papás hispanos y sus hijos entre 5 y 11 años, con el…
  • Healthy Volunteers - Adult
  • Healthy Volunteers - Child
  • Men's Health
  • Nutrition
  • Obesity and Metabolism
  • Pediatrics