Technology Effects on Child Health (TECH) Study (H-52282)
Examining the Impact of Screen Media Use on Preschooler’s Sleep, Executive Function, and Weight Status
Have you ever wondered exactly how much screen time your child receives daily, and the consequences it might have on their health and development?
Why is this important?
Screen media use includes the time children watch TV, use digital tablets (such as iPads), use smart phones and computers/laptops, or play on videogame consoles. Children use devices for many reasons such as for entertainment or learning. Much of what we currently know about young children’s screen media use is from studies where parents reported how much time their child typically spent on a device. But, since children now have increased access to many different screen devices, it can be difficult for parents to track all their screen use.
It is therefore important to be able to determine the specific amount of time and when during the day children use different screen devices. This will help us understand how screen time may affect children’s health and development.
Purpose and Goals for the TECH study
The TECH study wants to find out the impact of screen media use on children’s sleep, growth, problem solving, learning, and memory over a 12-month period. Using new technology to track the time of day and duration of children’s TV watching at home and use of mobile devices, the goal of the TECH study is to show how children’s actual screen use is related to children’s health and development.
What does the study include?
- Two home visits about 2 weeks apart at the start of the study to install the technology to monitor your child’s screen use for 10 days and then uninstall the technology.
- Measurements of your and your child’s height and weight.
- Surveys for you to fill out at 3 different times.
- Your child wears a wristwatch activity monitor to measure their sleep and movement during three different time periods.
- Three visits to the Children’s Nutrition Research Center in the Texas Medical Center for you and your child to complete learning and memory tasks.
- Up to $410 for your time in the study and free parking for the 3 Center visits.
- A report of your child’s screen use during the 10-day period when our technology was installed (provided at the end of the study).
- Access to videos on how parents can help manage their child’s screen use (provided at the end of the study).
Who is eligible to enroll?
- 3-4 year old children and their biological parent/legal guardian.
- Children who meet our study eligibility criteria.
- Have devices compatible with our measurement methods.
- Parent and child must be able to speak and understand English.
- Parents must agree to have our technology, that measures a child’s screen media use, installed for 10 days on the devices or TVs the child uses.
- Children willing to wear a wristwatch activity monitor.
Enrolling in the Study
If you would like more information or are interested in participating, please complete the form provided through the secure link below so we can reach out and begin the screening process. Form link:
If you have any questions, you may also email us at, call us at (713) 798-0388, or text us at (346) 660-2333.
See a listing of all Children's Nutrition Research Center-related clinical trials.
Phone 1: 713–798–0388
IRB: H-52282