
Clinical Trials / Studies


Clinical trials - also known as clinical studies or research protocols - are conducted to test whether a new drug, new prevention strategy, or new screening test is safe and effective in people. Participation is always voluntary. Baylor College of Medicine investigators conduct hundreds of studies, ranging from small, short-term studies to large trials with thousands of patients across many institutions.


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Search for Clinical Trials

This study tests whether serial magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, other biological markers, and clinical and…
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Brain/Spinal Cord/Nervous System
The purpose of this project is to examine which body tissues (such as hair, fingernails, urine or blood) are needed to accurately study how gene…
  • Pediatrics
The purpose of this study is to determine the percentage of people in the general population who have undiagnosed problems of the vestibular system,…
  • Ear/Nose/Throat
The populations of focus for iTech include HIV infected and HIV at-risk preadolescents, adolescents, and young adults up 15- 25 years of age.
  • Infectious Diseases/Immune System
  • Pediatrics
Randomized trial of fetoscopic endoluminal tracheal occlusion (FETO) versus expectant management during pregnancy in fetuses with left-sided and…
  • Fetal Surgery and Intervention
  • Pediatrics
The purpose of this study is to compare patient tumor tissue before and after treatment with standard chemotherapy (gemcitabine+cisplatin) plus…
  • Cancer - All
  • Cancer - Bladder
  • Urology
In this study, we want to find out if we can use banked MABEL CTLs to treat HD or NHL, T/NK-lymphoproliferative disease and severe chronic active…
  • Cancer - All
  • Cancer - Head/Neck
  • Cancer - Lymphoma
  • Cancer - Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
The mission of the SPARK for Autism study is to speed up research and advance understanding of autism by creating the nation’s largest ever autism…
  • Psychiatry and Behavior
  • Autism
The purpose of this clinical trial is to study of the effects of antibiotics in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • Autism
  • Healthy Volunteers - Child
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry and Behavior
The purpose of the BITS study is to better understand how babies and children learn to control their behavior and feeding as they get older.
  • Healthy Volunteers - Child
  • Nutrition
  • Obesity and Metabolism