
Weather Update

BCM Family Medicine on Kirby is without electrical power. Patients with appointments on Tuesday at this location will be moved to Baylor Medicine on the McNair Campus:  7200 Cambridge St, 7th floor, Suite 7B. Patients will be contacted. For questions, call 713-798-7700.

Baylor College of Medicine

Engaging Houston's Underserved Communities to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Improve Uptake (H-47505)



This project is comprised of three aims:

  1. Identify COVID-19 vaccine high priority communities in Houston, Texas
  2. Engage stakeholders from vaccine high priority communities to understand their perspectives on risks/benefits and barriers/facilitators of COVID-19 vaccination
  3. Develop, implement, and evaluate community-informed vaccine promotion campaigns that are tailored based on the needs of the high-priority communities that were identified in Aim 1

Using census data from the Harris County Health Department, neighborhoods were selected that had <33% vaccine uptake in Southeast and Northeast Houston. Within these communities, focus groups were conducted to determine community hesitancy with regard to vaccination and how to combat those concerns. Due to the community having more needs beyond just vaccination, it was determined that vaccine hesitancy could be addressed with a whole-person approach to health in order to build trust within the community. 

This feedback led to the development of the community-based programs “Fiesta de Salud” and “Dia de la Salud” which were single-standing events that were conducted in partnership with various organizations in order to provide health services including, but not limited to: COVID-19 vaccination, women’s health screenings, HIV/STD screening, dental services, Diabetes screening, and blood pressure screening. 


Grant funding from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute as part of the Texas Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL).

#RF 50087-2021-0309-S9

IRB: H-47505




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