Baylor College of Medicine

A study of VRDN-001 in participants with chronic thyroid eye disease (TED) (H-54211)



VRDN-001-301 A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled safety, tolerability, and efficacy study of VRDN-001, a humanized monoclonal antibody directed against the IGF-1 receptor, in participants with chronic thyroid eye disease (TED) 

Objectives: To determine the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of VRDN-001 when given as 5 infusions of 10 mg/kg compared to placebo in participants with chronic TED.

Note: If participants do not respond to 12 weeks of study drug, based on eye assessments, they may have the opportunity to join an extension study where all participants will receive VRDN-001 for an additional 12-week study treatment period.

To learn more about the THRIVE-2 Study, visit and contact the study team below.

IRB: H-54211




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